velocity anomaly中文什么意思

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  1. The characters of velocity ' s distribution within the mid - layer of the middle crust resemble that of the upper crust ' s bottom layer , and the velocity strongly disturbed . the prominent higher velocity anomalies exist below the linbi uplift and the hu - su uplift within this layer
  2. The high or low velocity anomalies ' s locations are consistent with the uplift and depression respectively , and their contacting boundary always correspond the faults exposed on the ground ' s surface . the basement interface that is the bottom interface of the sedimentary cover undulates strongly


  1. velocity ambiguity 什么意思
  2. velocity amplitude 什么意思
  3. velocity analysis 什么意思
  4. velocity analyzer 什么意思
  5. velocity anisotropy measurement 什么意思
  6. velocity antiresonance 什么意思
  7. velocity area 什么意思
  8. velocity area method 什么意思
  9. velocity at a point 什么意思
  10. velocity at burnout 什么意思


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